High-School Diploma (Abitur)
Bachelor of Science
Master of Science
Awards and Qualifications
Civic/Volunteer Commitment
Work / Portfolio
Vue.js • NodeJS • MongoDB • OAuth • Microsoft • APIs
Realmshub is a website that lets its users log in with their Microsoft account to manage their Minecraft Realms through a browser, which is otherwise only possible in-game.
Except for the basic design of the website I am the sole contributor to the project, meaning I developed both the front- and backend, wrote a custom API wrapper for Microsofts and Mojangs APIs, designed the database and software architecture all while keeping the users data as secure as possible.
Realmshub is an actively developed open-source project.
Vue.js • NodeJS • MongoDB • Discord.js
NodeJS • MongoDB • Websockets
Bocket Tools
Typescript • HTML • CSS • NodeJS
Clash of the Creators
C# • Unity • interactiondesignn • installation
Gridical 2017
Gridical, developed in the interactiondesign course and originally intended for the usage in front of the Center for Art and Media (ZKM) in Karlsruhe, is an easy game in which the player needs to send a dodecahedron through a warping and moving grid to reach the goal before their opponents do.
The installation was visible and playable at the "Media Day" at the faculty for Digital Media of the Hochschule Furtwangen University.
In this turnbased game the goal is to push the opponents cubes off the playing field and thus reducing their lives to zero.
CUBLEX was developed for Gamedevelopment 3D course at the University.
BonbonBox 2015
A GameJam is an Event, at which the participants have a predefined, short time to create a game from scratch. All games shown here were created over the course of 48 hours, if not stated otherwise.Typescript/Javascript • HTML/CSS • Discord.js
Python • GitHub • artificial intelligence
Repository Classifier
The repository classifier is a multiplatform python program featuring both a gui and cli version, allowing the classification of git repositories on GitHub. For this an artificial intelligence has been trained to classify the repositories into one of seven categories using various metrics including keywords, attributes such as used languages, amount of commits and collaborators and much more. The classifier has been created by a team of 4 in the winter semester of 2016/17 as submission for the contest of the German Assiciation for Computer Science. It also won the award for best term project of the Computer Science faculty.
C++ • OpenCV • image processing
Barcode App for the Blind
For all these problems, FUDGE (Furtwangen University Didactic Game Editor) should help. FUDGE is a web-based, cross-platform game editor that is specifically tailored towards teaching. It is intended to provide the most basic functions of a game engine, such as Unity or Adobe Animate, and thus make it easier to get started.
In this master thesis, two aspects of FUDGE are planned, designed and implemented: a vector editor for creating textures and an animation editor for animating arbitrary object properties.
Questions? Interested? Suggestions? Contact me here or use